Dear Wildcat Community -
It is again due to online threats of violence against schools, including Johnson City, that I share with you an update about the most recent information shared with us this morning. Messaging was initially received alleging violence focused on fire alarms and the gathering of students outside our high school. It was later reposted with false allegations of weapons being used on our campus. I can share with all of you that this threat has been circulating nationwide and investigated by law enforcement agencies nationwide and locally. The origin of this threat has been determined to be non-credible.
As has been stated many times, we take all information and all threats seriously. We worked closely with our school resource officers and Johnson City police to investigate the origin and information contained in the messaging. We want to thank those who assisted in bringing this to our attention. Please take the time to speak with your student(s) about reporting any and all perceived threats to a trusted adult or school personnel. If you see something, say something. I would also ask that you talk with them about the seriousness of creating or sharing threats of violence against schools and providing false statements about school violence. A terroristic threat is considered a felony and, if found guilty, carries serious criminal consequences.
Thank you for your diligence and support,
Eric Race, Superintendent of Schools